ARTIST: Leagros Group (Greece, active c. 525-500 BC) (atributed)
TITLE OF WORK: Attic black-figure oinochoe vase with a komos scene of four bearded nude dancers
TYPE OF WORK: Painting on pottery, black-figure oinochoe vase
DATE: -510
DIMENSIONS: 22 x 9.3 cm
COMMENTS: Black-figure oinochoe with a komos scene of four bearded nude dancers. The figure on the far left has his arms at his sides and kicks back his left leg. To the right, a reveler wearing a fillet twists
COMMENTS: From a performance of historical dances by Mlle Sandrini of the Paris Opéra; choreography by Laure Fonta, lecture by Professor Bourgault-Ducoudray
TITLE OF WORK: "The cursed girl", ballet by Mr. Gailhard, music by Mr. Vidal, presented at the Opera ("La maladetta", ballet de M. Gailhard, musique de M. Vidal, représenté à l'Opéra)
ARTIST: Charles-Marie de Sarcus or Quillenbois (France, 1821-1867) (drawing)
TITLE OF WORK: Good newspapers will finally illuminate the provincial population (Les bons journeaux finiront par éclairer la population des campagnes)