TITLE OF WORK: A ball on the admiral ship "Royal Alfred" outside Barbadoes, West Indies (Ball auf dem Admiralschiff "Royal Alfred" auf der Rhede von Barbadoes, Westindien)
ARTIST: Maurice Charpentier-Mio (France, 1881-1976)
TITLE OF WORK: Sketches of dance gestures. Isadora Duncan at the Théâtre du Châtelet in 1910 (Croquis de gestes dansés. Isadora Duncan au Théâtre du Châtelet en 1910)
TITLE OF WORK: Painting; two girls and a boy dance against a void background
TYPE OF WORK: Watercolor, opaque on paper
DATE: 1820
DIMENSIONS: 21.6 x 32 cm
COMMENTS: Each figure is spaced equal distance apart, with arms extended. No text. Opaque watercolour on paper. The figures in this painting have been identified as two girls and a boy, the figure in the centre