TITLE OF WORK: Pauline and Virginie Cardinal chatting with admirers (Pauline et Virginie Cardinal bavardant avec des admirateurs)
TYPE OF WORK: Drawing, black ink on monotype
DATE: 1876
DIMENSIONS: 31 x 22.2 cm final
COMMENTS: Ludovic Halévy, in his book "Les Petites Cardinal" (Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1880, p. 6-7) the author relates an episode involving the two sisters Cardinal, dancers at the Opéra, and four admirers who fou
TITLE OF WORK: The Neapolitan singers and dancers at the "Estiatorion" (Les Napolitaines chanteuses et danseuses de l'"Estiatorion")
TYPE OF WORK: Print, woodcut
DATE: 1900
DIMENSIONS: 5.5 x 14.5 cm
COMMENTS: Paris, Exposition Universelle, 1900. The "Estiatorion" (restaurant, in Greek) was a meeting point along the Berge des Nations (The nations' bank of the Seine river)
TITLE OF WORK: God Attis dancing (Attis dansant) -1
TYPE OF WORK: Sculpture, figurine
DATE: -275
DIMENSIONS: 17 cm height
COMMENTS: From Boeotia, Greece. Macedonian art. Dieu phrygien associé au culte de Cybèle [Myr 215], Attis connut une faveur particulière en Grèce du Nord. Les ateliers macédoniens et, semble-t-il, tout particul
LOCALITY OF REFERENCE: Ancient, Greece, Boeotia, Macedonia