TITLE OF WORK: "The tobacco ballet", the Indians' chorus advances in order to salute the Royal Lady ("Il tabacco baletto", il choro de gl'Indiani avanzano a riverire Madama Reale)
TYPE OF WORK: Drawing, manuscript illumination, miniature, color
DATE: 1650
COMMENTS: "Il tabacco balletto", alle dame l' ultimo giorno di Carnevale, primo di Marzo, mille sei cento cinquanta. Ballato in Torino (A ballet presented in Turin on 01/03/1650, last day of Carnival). The Toba
LOCALITY OF REFERENCE: Italy, Torino, Turin, Venezuela
TITLE OF WORK: Statuette of a female dancer holding Krotals: Part of an Etruscan Thymiaterion (Statuette einer Tänzerin mit Krotalen: Teil eines etruskischen Thymiaterions)
TYPE OF WORK: Sculpture, statuette, bronze
DATE: -560
DIMENSIONS: 13,1 cm height
COMMENTS: Antikensammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
ARTIST: Lionel James (sketch); Frédéric de Haenen (Netherlads, 1853-1928) drawing)
TITLE OF WORK: A curious scene on the Macedonian frontier: Bulgarian troops dancing the "horo" round a camp fire
DATE: 1903
DIMENSIONS: 21.3 x 29.3 cm
COMMENTS: The peasants, who form nine-tenths of the Bulgarian Army, are very musical, and delight in a dance called the "horo". The men form in line, grasp each other's belts, and then dance around in a circle,