ARTIST: Georges Scott (France, (1873-1943) (drawing)
TITLE OF WORK: The Gaite Theatre - "Voyage in the moon", opera extravaganza in four acts (Théâtre de la Gaîté - "Le voyage dans la lune", opéra-féerie en quatre actes)
TYPE OF WORK: Print, wood
DATE: 1875
DIMENSIONS: 47.3 x 31.7 cm
COMMENTS: Paroles de MM. Van Loo, Leterrier et A. Mortier - Musique de J. Offfenbach - Décors de MM. Cornill, Fromont et chéret - Costumes de M. Grévin
TITLE OF WORK: Professional girl dancer and flutist. Attic cup
TYPE OF WORK: Painting on pottery, red-figure vase
DATE: -520
DIMENSIONS: 12.2 x 41 x 32.5 diam.
COMMENTS: Interior: Within a thin red circle, dancing girl and fluteplayer. A youth (wreathed, mantle on left shoulder, phorbeia over mouth) steps in time to right, playing flutes; before him dances a girl with
ARTIST: Paul Adolphe Kauffmann or Peka (1849-1940) (drawing)
TITLE OF WORK: Pictures from the World Exhibition in Paris: The Javanese Kampong - village. Javanese dancers (Bilder aus der pariser Weltausstellung: Das javanische Kampong - Dorf. Javanische Tänzerinnen)
TYPE OF WORK: Print, wood
DATE: 1889
DIMENSIONS: 16 x 22 cm
LOCALITY OF REFERENCE: Java, Indonesia, France, Paris
TITLE OF WORK: God Attis dancing, holding a flower (Attis dansant, une fleur à la main)
TYPE OF WORK: Sculpture, figurine
DATE: -125
DIMENSIONS: 39.5 cm height
COMMENTS: Divinité d'origine orientale, Attis en a gardé le costume. Il est le compagnon de Cybèle, la Mère des Dieux. Pris de folie, il s'émascula au cours d'une danse orgiaque mais des fleurs continuent de fl
ARTIST: Emil Döpler II (Germany, 1855-1922) (drawing)
TITLE OF WORK: The quadrille of the German landed gentry. The masked ball in the palace of the German Crown Prince (Die Quadrille der deutschen Landsknechte. Das Maskenfest im Palais des deutschen Kronprinzen)