TITLE OF WORK: Tradition's part in the Mikado's coronation. Dancing to the honour of the Emperor.
DATE: 1928
DIMENSIONS: 12.7 x 10.5 cm
COMMENTS: The Fuzo-ku is one of the many dances performed at the Imperial banquet, which is part of the coronation festivities. It is of native origin, and is closely identified with the rice-harvest. The four
TITLE OF WORK: Let us be gay, dance, sing, resound of joy, desire and plesure (Last vns frölich sein, tanzen, springen, nach frewden lüst vnd kurtzweil ringn)
TYPE OF WORK: Print, engraving, copper
DATE: 1606
DIMENSIONS: 9.7 x 12.9 cm
COMMENTS: The dance illustrated is probably a spagnoletto, judging from the spanish style of the dresses
ARTIST: Alexander Nikolaevich Benois (Russia, 1870-1960)
TITLE OF WORK: Costume design for the opera "Le rossignol" (The nightingale): First Dancer of the Chinese Procession
TYPE OF WORK: Watercolor on paper
DATE: 1914
COMMENTS: "Le rossignol", opera by the Balets Russes. Music by I. Stravinsky after a tale by Andersen; choreography by B. Romanov, scenery and costumes by A. Benois. In 1916 the opera was presented with scenery
LOCALITY OF REFERENCE: Russia, France, Paris, China
TITLE OF WORK: Décor model for the ballet "Le pas d'acier"
TYPE OF WORK: Sculpture, painted wood
DATE: 1927
COMMENTS: "Le pas d'acier", ballet in two scenes by the Ballets Russes, 1927. Music by S. Prokofief; choreography by L. Massine; story, décors and costumes by Georges Yakoulov
COMMENTS: Manet painted the tambourines for a charity sale given in 1879 at the Hippodrome de Paris for the benefit of the victims of the floods of the town of Murcia.