TITLE OF WORK: "Ballet of the fairies in the Saint-Germain Woods". Entry of the Half-Mad (Coupe-testes) ("Ballet des fées de la forêt de Saint-Germain": Entrée des demy foux)
TITLE OF WORK: Carolina Rosati, Carlotta Grisi and Fanny Cerrito in "The elements", by Jules Perrot (Fr. Rosati, C. Grisi, Fanny Cerrito. "Die Elemente", ballet von M. Perrot)
ARTIST: Giovanni Battista Franco (Italy, 1508?-1561)
TITLE OF WORK: Drawing from a relief of a Roman Sarcophage on Bacchus with the discovery of Ariadne (Relief eines roemischen Bacchus-Sarkophags mit der Auffindung Ariadnes)
TYPE OF WORK: Drawing, brown ink on paper
DATE: 1510
DIMENSIONS: 13.4 x 46.6 cm
COMMENTS: Drawing of a Roman sarcophage of the first quarter of the 3rd century AD, kept at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire. See photograph of the original.