TITLE OF WORK: Dancers perform for courtiers and for the emperor, watching behind a screen
TYPE OF WORK: Painting, screen
DATE: 1614
COMMENTS: From two six-panel screens, about 7 meters long, called "Activities in the capital (Kyoto)". Momoyama period. The emperor is Toyotomi Hideyoshi
TITLE OF WORK: "The tobacco ballet" ("Il tabacco baletto", Memet and Aly)
TYPE OF WORK: Drawing, manuscript illumination, miniature, color
DATE: 1650
COMMENTS: "Il tabacco balletto", alle dame l' ultimo giorno di Carnevale, primo di Marzo, mille sei cento cinquanta. Ballato in Torino (A ballet presented in Turin on 01/03/1650, last day of Carnival). The Toba
LOCALITY OF REFERENCE: Italy, Torino, Turin, Venezuela
TITLE OF WORK: Proposal for sets and dance costume for Gertrude Barrison in Morning Mood at the Fledermaus cabaret (Szenenentwurf und Tanzkostüm für Gertrude Barrison in Morgenstimmung, Kabarett Fledermaus)
COMMENTS: Caption: En Chine. - Laisse-moi donc tranquille avec ta danse des anciens magots... tiens, voici comment on danse à Paris... voilà qui a du chic!... c'est avec ça qu'on donne dans l'oeil aux femmes!..
TITLE OF WORK: Dregs of the Schönperchten of Pinzgau (Das Trestern der Pinzgauer Schönperchten)
TYPE OF WORK: Print, lithograph
DATE: 1850
COMMENTS: In the village Pinzgau of the Salzburg area, disguised men in groups of four to twelve dance in the night of 5 to 6 January and during Carnival. They are called Schönperchten or Berchten.