ARTIST: Heinrich Stelzner (Germany, 1833-1910) (drawing)
TITLE OF WORK: The jubilee festival in Bayreuth on 30/06/1860: Popular celebration at the Bürgerreuth (Die Jubiläumsfeier in Bayreuth am 30. Juni: Das Volksfest auf der Bürgerreuth)
TITLE OF WORK: King Bahram and the Princess of India
TYPE OF WORK: Drawing, manuscript illumination, miniature
DATE: 1650
COMMENTS: The Pavillion of the Seven Princesses (Haft Peykar) was written on 1197 by Nezami. It relates the story of king Bahram, who had built seven pavillions, one for each princess of a different region of t
LOCALITY OF REFERENCE: Persia, Ispahan, Iran, India