TITLE OF WORK: "The tobacco ballet", scene representing Tobacco Island ("Il tabacco baletto", Scena rappresentante l'Isola del Tabacco)
TYPE OF WORK: Drawing, manuscript illumination, miniature, color
DATE: 1650
COMMENTS: "Il tabacco balletto", alle dame l' ultimo giorno di Carnevale, primo di Marzo, mille sei cento cinquanta. Ballato in Torino (A ballet presented in Turin on 01/03/1650, last day of Carnival). The Toba
LOCALITY OF REFERENCE: Italy, Torino, Turin, Venezuela
ARTIST: Ambrosios Painter (Greece, active c. 510-500 BC)
TITLE OF WORK: Young men dancing. Attic red-figure cup
TYPE OF WORK: Painting, terracotta red-figure vase
DATE: -510
DIMENSIONS: 11.2 x 35.5 x 27.5 cm
COMMENTS: Dancing revelers decorate this Athenian red-figure cup. On the interior, a youthful reveler, naked except for a wreath in his hair and a short cloak over one arm, dances and flourishes his walking sti
TITLE OF WORK: Dancing dervishes; single-page drawing on a detached album folio
TYPE OF WORK: Drawing, ink on paper
DATE: 1620
DIMENSIONS: 32.4 x 22 cm
COMMENTS: Dancing dervishes; single-page drawing on a detached album folio. Depiction of a recreational scene illustrating Two dancers dressed in goat skins (lower left) cavort while another pair in high, conic
LOCALITY OF REFERENCE: Persia, Isfahan, Safavid, Iran
TITLE OF WORK: - No, Madam, we civilians do not realize the difficulty of besieging a fortress! (- Non, Madame, on ne se rend compte dans le civil de la difficulté d'une manoeuvre de forteresse !)
TYPE OF WORK: Print, wood
DATE: 1893
DIMENSIONS: 12 x 6.6 cm
COMMENTS: - No, Madam, a civilian cannot imagine the difficulty of an assault to a fortress !
TITLE OF WORK: Dancing Maenad. Roman marble relief
TYPE OF WORK: Sculpture, relief, marble
DATE: 175
DIMENSIONS: 107 x 73 cm
COMMENTS: Die Mänade wird in heftiger Bewegung von schräg hinten gezeigt. Ihr Gewand, über der Hüfte geknotet, lässt die rechte Schulter frei. Der beinahe freiplastisch gearbeitete Kopf ist über die Schulter zu
TYPE OF WORK: Sculpture, woven leaves, feathers, tube, tree gum
DATE: 1900
DIMENSIONS: 170 cm height
COMMENTS: Mask of the small Sulka group on the southeastern coast of New Britain. Such masks represent the fearsome spirits "O inkuol", who inflict evil on people. They are used in initiation ceremonies to frig
TITLE OF WORK: Casino de Paris. Zizi I love you! (Casino de Paris. Zizi je t'aime!)
TYPE OF WORK: Print, lithograph, color, poster
DATE: 1972
DIMENSIONS: 85 x 38 cm
COMMENTS: Zizi Jeanmaire was the wife of Roland Petit, who choreographed her shows. The revue opened on 16 January 1972, with costumes by Yves Saint-Laurent.
TITLE OF WORK: Décor design for the ballet "Cuadro flamenco". Detail
TYPE OF WORK: Painting, détrempe on canvas
DATE: 1921
COMMENTS: "Cuadro flamenco", suite of Andalusian dances. Music by Manuel de Falla, arranged from Andalusian folk tunes; decors and costumes by Pablo Picasso
TITLE OF WORK: 1. Wife of a Rajah. 2. Professional dancer. 3. Favorite of the Grand Mogol. 4. Young woman of Burma (1. Femme d'un Rajah. 2. Bayadère. 3. Favorite du Grand Mogol. 4. Jeune Birmane)