COMMENTS: The statue was ordered by the French State in 1865, for 30,000 francs. When finished and placed in the facade of the Opera House in 1869, a great scandal erupted and the government was forced to remov
TITLE OF WORK: Herr Willy Fraenzl, the first dancer of the ballet of the Staatsopera, in Strauss's "Josephslegende"
TYPE OF WORK: Sculpture
DATE: 1926
COMMENTS: Photo sculpture, a Viennese novelty. The face is first greased with a tepid mass. Impressions of different parts of the face are taken at different times, the negative is then coated with a special pr
TITLE OF WORK: Hekataion: Hekate surrounded by three dancing Graces. Marble hellenistic statuette
TYPE OF WORK: Sculpture, statuette, marble
DATE: -120
DIMENSIONS: 31 cm height
COMMENTS: Hekataion: Dreigestaltige Hekate mit Chariten. Der Kult der Hekate, der Tochter des Titanen Perses, war in Griechenland - besonders im Volk - weit verbreitet. Sie galt als hilfreiche Göttin von allumf
LOCALITY OF REFERENCE: Ancient, Greece, Hellenistic
TITLE OF WORK: Sydney illustrated - An old dance in a new country. "Sir roger de Coverley" as danced at Government House during the Exhibition festivities
TITLE OF WORK: Theatre de la Gaite - "King carrot" opera buffa-magic, in four acts and twenty-two scenes, by Mr. Victorien Sardou, music by J. Offenbach. Table "Ballet insects"
DATE: 1872
DIMENSIONS: 10.2 x 16 cm
COMMENTS: Théâtre de la Gaité - "The carrot king", opera-bouffe-féérie, in 4 acts and 22 scenes, by Mr. Victorien Sardou, music by Mr. J. Offenbach. Scene of the "Insects' ballet"
TITLE OF WORK: The festival of the roses in the imperial garden next to the Augustinerbastei in Vienne (Das Rosenfest im kaiserlichen Garten nächst der Augustinerbastei zu Wien)